Cartoons and animations are among the means of attraction for adults and children, as many people use them today to instill values, modify behavior, or as a propaganda tool that reaches many viewers, so we had to provide a team specialized in the production of cartoons and series, and the production process takes place in several stages as follows:
Preparation stage:
- script writing
- Choosing the characters, actors and staff
- Storyboard drawing
- Draw characters or objects of action heroes
- drawing places
design stage:
- Three-dimensional design (modeling) including “characters – models, buildings and facilities
- Making (Rigging) for the characters, which is the system of controlling the movement of the characters after designing them with testing their movement
- Animations
- Lighting
- Materials
- Rendering
output stage:
- Editing and color processing
- The final output of the work
- 3D cartoon video
- Promotional video
- 3D video about the successful sayings of the Thursday meeting